200 Phillip Kearbey Blvd., Poplar Bluff, Missouri 63901 Phone: (573) 785-8444 • (573) 785-8445 • (573) 785-8446 Fax: (573) 778-8016 or (573) 778-8024 Kathy Maclin, Administrative Assistant
Email: k.maclin@butlercosheriff.org
Office Hours: Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (Clerical - Closed Holidays)
For information pertaining to this website contact the Administrative Assistant. |
Phone: (573) 686-8070 • Fax: (573) 778-8016 Done by appointment only.
Current Fees – $27.25 Money Order made payable to Missouri State Highway Patrol (For fingerprinting) $69.50 Cash/Check/Money Order payable to Butler County Sheriff's Office (For registering)
You must be a resident of Butler County and provide your Concealed Carry Class certificate. Renewal is $50 unless permit has expired. If your permit has expired it's an additional $10 for every month over expiration up to 6 months. If your permit has expired over 6 months you must repeat the entire process and pay all fees over. |
For Emergencies Please Dial 911 – Hours 24/7 Phone: (573) 785-8444 • (573) 785-8445 • (573) 785-8446 Fax: (573) 778-8016 Jonathan Dunham, Chief of Communications Email: j.dunham@butlercosheriff.org